Kiss x Sis" is a Japanese anime based on Bow Ditama's manga, focusing on Keita Suminoe, a high school student living with his two stepsisters, Ako and Riko. Both sisters harbor romantic feelings for him, creating a comedic love triangle filled with awkward situations and misunderstandings.
The series blends harem and romantic comedy, showcasing Ako's boldness against Riko's more innocent demeanor. Their rivalry for Keita’s attention leads to humorous escapades, often infused with fanservice. The colorful animation and exaggerated expressions enhance the playful tone, making the interactions lively and entertaining.
Each episode presents different scenarios, from school events to family outings, highlighting the sisters' attempts to win Keita's affection while navigating their own complex emotions. With a light-hearted approach to its themes, "Kiss x Sis" provides a fun, if controversial, take on sibling relationships and teenage romance, appealing to fans of the genre with its mix of humor and charm.